¬ Miriam Stoney
AUTRE-FICTION: 1. to /ˈɹaɪt/ every Homonym according to Desire not purpose | 2. Swan Song on repeat | 3. morality cast off as Trash, e.g. “[true Fact], or my Name isn’t Oscar Wilde!”
Otherwise being the best case scenario. Since they took the words right out of my mouth and discarded them. My words, – well, it won’t do to be possessive about words, so – those words upon which I’d been gnawing, they were flushed out of my mouth, rinsed out of the system. And I am left circling the drain, I follow them into the abyss. Plunger, now that’s a word. Device, rubber cup, long handle, to clear blocked pipes, by means of suction. Scatological, sexual, scatological-sexual, comma or hyphen: it makes a difference. Scatologico-sexual, the contraction makes the difference work. I need a plunger. An amicable, or at least a loose lipped plunger. Someone whose vacuousness might encircle me momentarily and pull me back into circulation. Inhabiting their void, I reckon I’d be an adequate other. From nothing-speaker to everything-sayer. Line up a few words side by side to differentiate one from the other, to make them mutually intelligible to one another. Becoming Other Wise: I’d sign off “O.W.” (So […what?] it hurts.)
[Auszug aus AUTRE-FICTION]
Text, 2023
Miriam Stoney ist eine in Wien lebende Schriftstellerin und Übersetzerin. Ihre künstlerische Praxis ist in erster Linie textuell und umfasst Essays und poetisches Schreiben, Performance, Audio und Installation.