¬ Flaneur Magazin
Streets are always larger from the inside than from the outside. Flaneur Magazine takes the audience to a fragmented and invisible Kantstraße in Berlin’s West. Through audio recordings and live readings hidden layers of the street are revealed. This juxtaposition of stories, voices and events that don’t seem to be connected at first glance, lead to an underlying geometry of resistance beyond the canonic narratives of the dominant majority: a novelist from Tehran living in several time zones, the librarian of Jüdisches Gemeindehaus, forgotten histories of communist resistance in the women’s prison, a Holocaust survivor’s dream of flying. As we move along Kantstraße, reflections of other cities and other times become part of the present street: from Prospekt Mira in Moscow to a lonely night in Paris, from a full moon in Athens to the Luna Park in New York. For gossip, fleeting moments, and performances Flaneur Magazine will revisit “Kantstraße: Fragments of a Street”, a collective audio performance, to create a guided audio tour through the streets of Charlottenburg.
Audio Walk
5 December, 2021
Flaneur Magazine has dedicated itself to streets around the world since 2013. The radical focus - one street per issue - gives the project the possibility to approach a place as a microcosm, beyond already dominating narratives about the respective city. In the process, connections emerge between places, stories, people and objects that are not always visible. The magazine is initiated by an intensive production phase on location, up to three months, in which first and foremost a presence is created from which the residents can be listened to. All works are created in a collaboration with local artists of various disciplines and the Flaneur team. The content is published multilingually, in English and in the local language. For the past three years, the project has experimented with other formats such as festivals, performative audio series, or workshops with schools and museums.